- Location and size of buildings
- Height
- Location and size of streets and open spaces
- Overall number of homes
- Quantum of non-residential uses
- Access – where doors, entrances, vehicles etc. go.
- Layout – floorplans
- Scale – the external shape, form or scale of the buildings (within the parameters agreed in the outline planning permission).
- Landscape – the design of streets, open spaces, courtyards, etc.
- Appearance – the look and feel of buildings and what materials they are made from.
What is the purpose of this consultation?
The consultation gives residents and other interested parties the opportunity to view and comment on our revised plans for Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration.
What is an outline planning application?
An application for outline planning permission allows for a decision on the general principles of how a site can be developed. At High Path this includes consideration of the:
It does not decide detailed aspects, such as the look and feel of buildings, streets and outdoor spaces or the internal floor layouts of buildings.
What is a reserved matters planning application?
Once an outline planning permission has been granted, we develop the design and submit the details (“reserved matters”) for approval before work can start. These cover five matters:
What is a Section 73 planning application?
A Section 73 planning application, otherwise known as a material amendment application, seeks approval for major changes to an existing planning permission.
What is a Section 96a planning application?
A Section 96a planning application, otherwise known as a non-material amendment application, seeks approval for minor changes to an existing planning permission.
What is a discharge of planning conditions application?
Planning consents are usually issued with conditions attached, typically for compliance or for submission of further plans and documents for approval by the local planning authority at key stages of the development.
What is a Section 106 agreement?
It is an agreement between a local authority and a landowner and/or developer under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The agreement contains planning obligations which the local authority wish to secure, or which the developer wishes to offer, in return for planning permission being granted.
What planning application(s) will you be submitting to revise Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration?
We will be submitting several applications to revise Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration. This includes a Section 73 application to cover the design changes (e.g., inclusion of a second staircase) as well as some non-material amendment applications to vary elements of the outline planning consent such as the description of development. We will also need to re-discharge some planning conditions and obligations to reflect the scheme changes proposed.
Why are changes needed to Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration?
Clarion received planning approval in 2019 for Phase 2 of the regeneration to deliver a further 113 replacement homes for residents as well as a new community centre. Delays beyond Clarion’s control have meant that demolition and construction of Phase 2 have not yet been able to start. In this time, the Government introduced the Building Safety Act 2022 meaning new residential buildings over 18 metres in height now require a second staircase to improve fire safety for residents. There have also been updates to several building regulations relating to overheating and reducing carbon emissions. Clarion is updating the approved design to reflect these new regulatory requirements, whilst also ensuring that homes meet current housing needs for residents moving into Phase 2.
Will the proposed changes to Phase 2 affect any of the commitments made through the Clarion Resident Offer?
No, the proposed design changes will not affect the regeneration commitments made to residents through the Clarion Resident Offer.
- Introduction of second staircases to the blocks with flats (Buildings 2A and 2B) to improve fire safety for residents.
- Changes to the mix of homes to reflect residents’ current housing needs.
- Revised building façades and changes to internal layouts to reflect building regulation requirements relating to overheating.
- Additional homes (33 flats and 1 house) to accelerate the regeneration of High Path and enable some existing residents to move into their new homes on the estate sooner.
- Increased number of dual aspect homes allowing for views, natural light and ventilation from more than one direction through the introduction of deck access.
- A more insulated and sealed building reduces heat loss meaning less energy is used to heat up your home, improving energy efficiency.
- Changes to home layouts to reflect the revised internal building layout and external balconies.
- Maisonettes now located on the ground floor, each with individual entrances from the street.
- Revised landscaping design for the internal courtyard based on residents’ feedback and lessons learnt from Phase 1.
- Improved fire safety for residents resulting from the inclusion of second staircases.
- Updated housing mix to ensure Phase 2 meets residents’ current housing needs.
- Additional homes to accelerate the regeneration of High Path and allow some residents to move into their new homes sooner.
- Improved daylight, views and natural ventilation through an increased proportion of dual aspect homes achieved through the introduction of deck access.
- Reduced overheating in homes through revised building design and technology.
- Better energy efficiency through reductions in heat loss.
- Improved layouts to homes which have generally increased in size.
- Improved landscaping for Phase 1 and 2 residents.
- Enhanced privacy for residents by separating adjoining balconies.
- Added more features from the previous building design, including arches at ground floor.
- Improved design of the landmark corner building, including revised colours and approach to arches to give the building a more contemporary look and feel.
- Enhanced location of the community centre entrance, relocated from High Path to Pincott Road.
What are the changes being proposed for Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration?
Clarion is updating the approved design to reflect new regulatory requirements introduced through the Building Safety Act 2022 and updated building regulations. These changes include:
What benefits do the proposed changes have over the approved scheme in 2019?
The proposed changes deliver a number of benefits over the current approved scheme from 2019. These include:
What changes have been made to Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration since the public consultation events in September 2024?
Based on feedback received during the consultation events held in September 2024, we have made the following key changes to Phase 2:
What type of homes are being proposed as part of the changes to Phase 2?
We are proposing a range of home types, including 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom apartments, duplexes and houses, that reflect residents’ current housing needs.
How many homes will you be providing in Phase 2?
We are looking to deliver 147 homes in Phase 2 – an increase of 33 apartments and 1 house from the approved scheme. The increase in the number of homes will mean residents originally moving into a later phase could move into their new homes sooner if they wish.
How many affordable homes will you be providing in Phase 2?
All homes in Phase 2 will be replacement homes for existing tenants and homeowners. The additional 34 homes will be prioritised for existing tenants at High Path wishing to move sooner.
If you are increasing the number of new homes, will they be smaller?
No. All homes will meet, if not exceed, nationally described space standards which sets out the guidance on the minimum size of new homes. All replacement homes will not be smaller than residents’ existing homes. The additional number of homes has been achieved by reconfiguring the internal layouts of buildings to improve efficiency and extending building heights to those approved under the outline planning permission.
How tall will the revised buildings be?
The blocks with flats will be up to 11 storeys – an increase of one storey from the approved reserved matters scheme. This complies with the maximum storey height tested and approved under the outline planning permission. The houses on Abbey Road will remain at 3 storeys and the change in roof design has meant that total height of the houses has reduced by 200mm compared to the current approved design.
Why are you changing the heights of the buildings?
Owing to delays beyond Clarion’s control, we are seeking ways to speed up the regeneration of High Path and the additional storey for the blocks with flats provides an excellent opportunity to rehouse residents in their new homes sooner. The change in roof design and shallower pitch of the Abbey Road houses enables the house heights to be slightly shorter whilst also improving energy efficiency and sustainability.
Why have you changed the design of the building facades?
Changes to the building façade have been informed by the revised internal building layouts and strategy to reduce overheating through the use of external balconies, particularly to south-facing buildings. Projecting balconies provide solar shading to windows below and help minimise overheating to homes. Similarly, window sills have been raised to also reduce overheating without compromising daylight to homes.
Brick colour choices have been informed by those used on Phase 1 through the use of warm tone browns and greys as the buildings transition towards the gateway building at the corner of High Path and Pincott Road. Each building has been given individual character and identity through the use of colours to balconies and other façade materials, taking inspiration from local artist William De Morgan. The individual buildings are accentuated through recessed elements in between. Pre-cast stone arches have been added to the bottom of the gateway building and brick arches to the top of the building to to maintain continuity with the approved reserved matters scheme.
The Abbey Road houses now utilise pitched roofs, commonly found along Abbey Road, as well as brick colours that reflect tones used on houses along Abbey Road.
How many homes will be dual aspect?
Will the homes be designed with outdoor space?
All homes will be designed to include private amenity space in the form of a balcony or patio as well as access to the internal communal courtyard.
What other amenities/facilities are proposed?
The revised proposals will still provide a large, double-height community centre at the junction between High Path and Pincott Road. Due to the incorporation of a second staircase in Building 2A, this has meant that the community centre has slightly reduced in size although still exceeds the minimum size requirements under the agreed Section 106 agreement.
Landscape and Play
Where can my children play?
Playspace for children under 5 years old will be provided through playable landscape elements within the internal courtyard. These include timber and natural stone, balancing and climbing elements that create a play trail along the length of the courtyard, embedded within tree, shrub and herbaceous planting. The proposed design of the courtyard has been carefully considered to ensure playspace does not dominate the courtyard, but rather add interest to it. A new neighbourhood park will also be delivered during the later phases of the High Path regeneration, providing play space for older children. Phase 2 will also deliver a reprovided ball court towards the south of the neighbourhood park, close to Phase 2.
Will you be making improvements to the Phase 1 courtyard?
Yes, following residents’ feedback and lessons learnt, we propose to overhaul the Phase 1 courtyard to improve the amenity offer and better integrate it with the Phase 2 section of the courtyard. These include improving the soft landscaping, increased tree planting and improved play provision.
Will any existing trees be removed?
Five poor quality trees will be removed, as per the reserved matters application approved in 2019.
How many new trees will be planted? What types of trees will be planted?
We are proposing to plant approximately 26 trees within the internal courtyard and along High Path, Pincott Road and the mews street. These trees are proposed to be a mixture of both standard and multi-stem trees such as Silver Birch, Amelanchier, Beech and Acer.
What public realm improvements will be delivered?
Phase 2 will complete the public realm around Phases 1 and 2. This includes new paving, new street trees and planting as well as installation of underground refuse system bins and electric vehicle charging points.
Transport and Infrastructure
What car parking provision will be provided?
The parking provisions already approved remain unaffected by the proposed changes to Phase 2. Phase 2 will still deliver 17 on-street car parking spaces, of which 15 will be standard car parking spaces (13 can be adapted to wheelchair spaces if needed) and 2 wheelchair accessible spaces.
Why don’t you provide more car parking spaces?
Planning policy sets maximum standards for car parking which take into account local transport links. The High Path estate has ‘very good’ levels of public transport accessibility across the site, with parts defined by Transport for London as having ‘excellent’ levels of public transport accessibility (given its proximity to South Wimbledon underground station and various bus routes). It would therefore be very difficult and potentially contrary to planning policy to seek to justify more non-wheelchair parking spaces than originally permitted which has already been maximised through the reserved matters scheme. Our aim is to encourage sustainable travel and, in particular active travel, as part of a sustainable development. We are proposing to make it easier for people to walk, cycle or use public transport, rather than using a car, as part of the High Path regeneration. Whilst additional homes are proposed for Phase 2, the additional homes available may therefore be better suited to existing tenants who do not have a car and parking permit on the estate.
How many car parking spaces will have electric vehicle charging points?
In accordance with updated building regulations and current planning policy, all parking spaces will have electric vehicle charging points installed from the outset.
What cycle parking provision will be provided?
The revised scheme will continue providing secure cycle storage within each apartment for residents. Secure cycle storage will be provided at the front of the Abbey Road houses.
What will happen with waste and recycling?
We are proposing an underground refuse system across the High Path estate for general waste and recycling, as per the approved reserved matters scheme.
How do you prevent mice and rats getting into the underground refuse system?
The metal containers used in an underground refuse system sit in a pre-cast concrete bunker and we would therefore not expect there to be any issue with vermin making their way into the container.
Who will maintain the Phase 2 buildings and communal spaces?
An estate management strategy for the estate is being developed. It is likely that Clarion will manage the Phase 2 buildings and communal areas.
What sustainability enhancements does the proposed revised scheme deliver over the approved reserved matters scheme?
The revised scheme reflects updated building control requirements, particularly in relation to Approved Document L (Conservation of Fuel and Power) and Approved Document O (Overheating). The revised scheme has made substantial improvements, especially in carbon and overheating performance.
What will be the energy rating of the new homes?
We aim for all homes to maintain a minimum Energy Performance (EPC) of Band B.
What are the rainwater collection facilities?
Surface water will be captured and released slowly through the use of permeable paving within the communal courtyard.
Why has Phase 2 been delayed?
Phase 2 has been delayed to factors beyond our control, primarily the compulsory purchase order process which is due to conclude this year. As we have not had legal ownership of the full Phase 2 site, we have therefore not been able to begin works as planned. However, we expect to start works as soon as practicably possible, subject to planning permission, to minimise delays to Phase 2 and future phases.
I am an existing resident. When will my new home be built?
Construction will be undertaken on a phased basis, with existing residents being offered a new homes in Phases 1, 2 or 4. Phase 1 completed in early 2022, with residents already settled into their new homes. Phase 2 is due to start on site in Summer 2025 and complete by Spring 2028. Phase 4 is anticipated to complete between Summer 2030 and Summer 2031.
Will the revised proposals mean that it will take longer to complete Phase 2?
The increased number of homes will inevitably extend the construction timeframe. However, the additional homes available will offer residents who were due to move into Phase 4 an opportunity to move sooner into Phase 2.
When will you be delivering the improvements to the Phase 1 courtyard?
We will first need to re-discharge the relevant planning condition attached to the Phase 1 planning permission. Our aim is to deliver the courtyard improvements prior to construction of Phase 2, subject to discussions with the Phase 2 contractor once appointed.
Will there be any job opportunities created?
In Phase 1, the construction works have provided 15 new jobs, 11 apprenticeships and training and qualification opportunities. We expect Phase 2 and future phases to continue to deliver social value to residents and the local community.
I am interested in moving to one of the additional homes in Phase 2. Who can I contact to express my interest?
If you are interested in moving to Phase 2, please speak to your Regeneration Manager, Donna Brown by calling 07557846825 or emailing mertonregen@clarionhg.com(External link).
I have a question which hasn’t been answered?
If you have further questions, please email mertonregen@clarionhg.com(External link). We will collate common questions raised during the consultation and publish responses to this page.