High Path Phase 2

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Have your say on the proposed revised changes to Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration

The High Path regeneration will create a welcoming, green neighbourhood that provides a wide range of spacious new homes, as well as a new park and community facilities.

High Path is part of our £1.8bn Merton Regeneration Project creating over 3,200 homes: replacing 1,000 existing homes and building over 2,200 new homes. The need for regeneration is well-established - to replace poor quality homes nearing the end of their useful life, provide new community facilities and green space as well as resolve the overcrowding that some families experience. The regeneration is already underway to transform the neighbourhood into a better place to live.

Why are we making changes to Phase 2?

Clarion received planning approval in 2019 for Phase 2 of the regeneration to deliver a further 113 replacement homes for residents as well as a new community centre.

Delays beyond Clarion’s control have meant that demolition and construction of Phase 2 have not yet been able to start. In this time, the Government introduced the Building Safety Act 2022 meaning new residential buildings over 18 metres in height now require a second staircase to improve fire safety for residents. There have also been updates to several building regulations relating to overheating and reducing carbon emissions.

Clarion is updating the approved design to reflect these new regulatory requirements, whilst also ensuring that homes meet current housing needs for residents moving into Phase 2. The proposed design changes will not affect the regeneration commitments made to residents through the Clarion Resident Offer.

Owing to the delays, Clarion is also looking to increase the number of homes in Phase 2 to accelerate delivery of new homes for some residents who were due to move into Phase 4.

What are the changes to Phase 2?

Revising the design will ensure Phase 2 complies with the latest building safety and regulatory requirements. The changes include:

  • Introduction of second staircases to the blocks with flats (Buildings 2A and 2B) to improve fire safety for residents.
  • Changes to the mix of homes to reflect residents’ current housing needs.
  • Revised building façades and changes to internal layouts to reflect building regulation requirements relating to overheating.
  • Additional homes (33 flats and 1 house) to accelerate the regeneration of High Path and enable some existing residents to move into their new homes on the estate sooner.
  • Increased number of dual aspect homes allowing for views, natural light and ventilation from more than one direction through the introduction of deck access.
  • A more insulated and sealed building reduces heat loss meaning less energy is used to heat up your home, improving energy efficiency.
  • Changes to home layouts to reflect the revised internal building layout and external balconies.
  • Maisonettes now located on the ground floor, each with individual entrances from the street.
  • Revised landscaping design for the internal courtyard based on residents’ feedback and lessons learnt from Phase 1.

We will also be delivering improvements to the Phase 1 internal courtyard, following residents' feedback and lessons learnt.

To learn more about our revised proposals, please view our consultation boards by downloading these from the 'Documents' section of this site or attend one of our consultation events.

What are the changes we have made since our September 2024 consultation?

Based on feedback received during our September 2024 public consultation sessions, we have made the following key changes to Phase 2:

  • Enhanced privacy for residents by separating adjoining balconies.
  • Added more features from the previous building design, including arches at ground floor.
  • Improved design of the landmark corner building, including revised colours and approach to arches to give the building a more contemporary look and feel.
  • Enhanced location of the community centre entrance, relocated from High Path to Pincott Road.

Let us know what you think

We welcome any feedback you may have on the changes to Phase 2. Please complete a feedback form below to give us your thoughts.

Please note our consultation closed on Sunday 27 October 2024.


Have your say on the proposed revised changes to Phase 2 of the High Path regeneration

The High Path regeneration will create a welcoming, green neighbourhood that provides a wide range of spacious new homes, as well as a new park and community facilities.

High Path is part of our £1.8bn Merton Regeneration Project creating over 3,200 homes: replacing 1,000 existing homes and building over 2,200 new homes. The need for regeneration is well-established - to replace poor quality homes nearing the end of their useful life, provide new community facilities and green space as well as resolve the overcrowding that some families experience. The regeneration is already underway to transform the neighbourhood into a better place to live.

Why are we making changes to Phase 2?

Clarion received planning approval in 2019 for Phase 2 of the regeneration to deliver a further 113 replacement homes for residents as well as a new community centre.

Delays beyond Clarion’s control have meant that demolition and construction of Phase 2 have not yet been able to start. In this time, the Government introduced the Building Safety Act 2022 meaning new residential buildings over 18 metres in height now require a second staircase to improve fire safety for residents. There have also been updates to several building regulations relating to overheating and reducing carbon emissions.

Clarion is updating the approved design to reflect these new regulatory requirements, whilst also ensuring that homes meet current housing needs for residents moving into Phase 2. The proposed design changes will not affect the regeneration commitments made to residents through the Clarion Resident Offer.

Owing to the delays, Clarion is also looking to increase the number of homes in Phase 2 to accelerate delivery of new homes for some residents who were due to move into Phase 4.

What are the changes to Phase 2?

Revising the design will ensure Phase 2 complies with the latest building safety and regulatory requirements. The changes include:

  • Introduction of second staircases to the blocks with flats (Buildings 2A and 2B) to improve fire safety for residents.
  • Changes to the mix of homes to reflect residents’ current housing needs.
  • Revised building façades and changes to internal layouts to reflect building regulation requirements relating to overheating.
  • Additional homes (33 flats and 1 house) to accelerate the regeneration of High Path and enable some existing residents to move into their new homes on the estate sooner.
  • Increased number of dual aspect homes allowing for views, natural light and ventilation from more than one direction through the introduction of deck access.
  • A more insulated and sealed building reduces heat loss meaning less energy is used to heat up your home, improving energy efficiency.
  • Changes to home layouts to reflect the revised internal building layout and external balconies.
  • Maisonettes now located on the ground floor, each with individual entrances from the street.
  • Revised landscaping design for the internal courtyard based on residents’ feedback and lessons learnt from Phase 1.

We will also be delivering improvements to the Phase 1 internal courtyard, following residents' feedback and lessons learnt.

To learn more about our revised proposals, please view our consultation boards by downloading these from the 'Documents' section of this site or attend one of our consultation events.

What are the changes we have made since our September 2024 consultation?

Based on feedback received during our September 2024 public consultation sessions, we have made the following key changes to Phase 2:

  • Enhanced privacy for residents by separating adjoining balconies.
  • Added more features from the previous building design, including arches at ground floor.
  • Improved design of the landmark corner building, including revised colours and approach to arches to give the building a more contemporary look and feel.
  • Enhanced location of the community centre entrance, relocated from High Path to Pincott Road.

Let us know what you think

We welcome any feedback you may have on the changes to Phase 2. Please complete a feedback form below to give us your thoughts.

Please note our consultation closed on Sunday 27 October 2024.

Page last updated: 01 Nov 2024, 11:18 AM